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  • đź’­ Simple ways to feel more positive

đź’­ Simple ways to feel more positive

Wednesday 9/4: Sponsored by Masterworks and Hims - Navigating stress, positive social media feed, cat videos


"I am grounded."

Welcome to Wednesday! Here’s the scoop for today:

  • Navigating stress from the news while staying informed

  • How to curate your social media feed for positivity

  • Make smart money moves

  • Our favorite cat videos to brighten your day

  • A powerful hair growth solution

Did You Know?

People spend ___ minutes on social media a day?

Scroll for the answer!

How To Navigate Stress from the News

News is essential to stay informed about what’s going on in the world around us. And often, it’s unavoidable on our social media feeds.

However, news can be stressful, disheartening, and even scary.

Learning how to manage this stress is essential, especially in a world where we’re so connected through technology and social media.

Here are a few ways we can help navigate some of those big feelings when consuming news:

  • Set boundaries: Limiting the amount of time you spend on specific apps, websites, and even your phone or computer (outside of work) is a big step that can regulate the amount of content you consume. While staying informed is good, consider how much of a difference reading the news for an hour vs. 30 minutes would make.

  • Allow yourself to disconnect: Allow yourself to press pause on reading the news when you notice you’re getting too overwhelmed.

  • Remind yourself of what you can control — and what you can’t: While news can bring up lots of stress for some, reminding yourself of what is in your control and what isn’t can help you create some mental space.

  • Curate your social media feeds: Intentionally seek out positive and uplifting content you’d like to see more of! The algorithms are good at detecting what we interact with and want to see, so this can make a profound impact.

How To Curate Your Social Media Feed for Positivity

When trying to navigate the various content that comes across our phones and computers each day, putting more positivity in our feeds can make social media much more enjoyable.

But how do you even start?

First and foremost, give yourself permission to set boundaries with things that are not positive or do not make you feel good. Unfollow, unsubscribe, and block. Mute hashtags or words related to content you do not want to consume. It’s not mean, it’s protecting your peace.

Many platforms give you the option to select something that indicates you’re not interested in that form of content. This option may say something like, “I’m not interested in this content” or “Show me less of this.” Features like these help curate your feed to show less of what you don’t want to see.

Intentionally follow creators, content, hashtags, and topics that promote positivity and make you feel your best. This may include positive news, topics related to your hobbies and interests, and more!

Be strategic with your likes and comments. When you like and comment on posts, the platform you’re on will suggest more of this content, so intentionally doing it on posts you really love and make you feel good will help more of it appear in your feed.

Invest in the Asset Class Predicted to Grow +$700 Million by 2026

Looking to make smart money moves in 2024? How about investing in a market that's predicted to grow by nearly +$700m over the next few years, according to Deloitte.

Fortunately, it's never been easier for everyday investors to take advantage of this growth trend, thanks to the top platform for investing in shares of blue-chip art, Masterworks.

Masterworks clients have already entrusted the platform with $1 billion. Isn’t it time you joined them?

Now, you can skip the waitlist.

Thank you to Masterworks for sponsoring Note To Self. 

Investing involves risk and past performance is not indicative of future returns. See important Reg A disclosures and aggregate advisory performance masterworks.com/cd.

Our Favorite Cat Videos to Brighten Your Day

Whether you’re trying to break up the monotony of doom scrolling or simply want a few minutes of something to put a smile on your face, cat videos are the perfect (or purr-fect, if you will) way to brighten your day.

We love watching videos of cats — whether they’re being playful, sleepy, or mischievous — to put a smile on our faces. Searching for content like this is a great way to be intentional with the media we consume.

If you’re looking for a cute video of some kitties to boost your mood, here are a few of our favorites:

For more positive cat content, be sure to subscribe to Daily Purr!

Achieve the Hair Growth of Your Dreams

Get the hair growth results you've always wanted. Stop wasting your time and money on gimmicks and start using products with proven ingredients. Regrow hair in 3-6 months with Hims' personalized treatments. Start your free consultation to discover your options.

Thank you to Hims for sponsoring Note To Self.

Parting Thoughts

  • âś… Did You Know: On average, people spend a total of 144 minutes on social media a day! That’s nearly 2.5 hours.

  • 🙋🏼‍♀️ Snapshot Of The Day: We'd love to see moments from our readers lives that they are proud of! If you recently accomplished an achievement, experienced a joyful moment, or are proud of a picture you have taken, be sure to capture it on camera and send it to us for a chance to be featured next week! 

  • đź’­ Final Self-Care Thoughts for Today: We consume a lot of content every day, which can be overwhelming. Intentionally curating your feed can bring some positivity to your day!

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