7/23 Tuesday: Spoiler: You Need More Sleep

[07/23/24] [Brad's Deals/Masterworks]*NTS*[need sleep; ambient sounds; waking earlier]


"I take time to recognize my strengths."

Happy Tuesday! Today, we’re discussing:

  • Why we need to sleep

  • Ambient sounds for easier rest

  • Enhance your Amazon Prime membership

  • How to start waking up earlier

  • Profit off of paintings

True or False?

Our deepest sleep happens toward the end hours of our rest.

Scroll for the answer!

Why Do We Need Sleep?

There are few better feelings than crawling into bed, lying down, and falling asleep at the end of a long day.

On the flip side, a night of poor sleep — or too little rest — can leave us feeling irritable, crabby, and just plain blah.

But why is sleep important? Why do we need it?

Experts are still researching exactly why we need rest. However, we know it's essential for our brains and bodies to recharge. In children, this helps support proper growth.

During rest, our bodies may also help regulate our circadian rhythms and the hormones that are released in sync with them.

Some research also suggests that our bodies remove toxins in our brains when we rest.

Sleep is also essential for healing, restoring energy, and allowing our nerve cells to reorganize so they can support brain function, Healthline shared.

If you find yourself struggling to sleep (especially because you know how important it is), a few tips to fall asleep include:

  • Keep your room electronic-free

  • If you lay awake for a while and can't rest, get up and do something relaxing like read before you come back to bed

  • Create a productive environment for sleep, like using curtains to block out any bright lights and ambient noises to mask any sounds that prevent you from falling asleep

  • Reframe sleep as something to look forward to instead of something you have to do. Remember: It's an act of self-care!

Discover Ambient Sounds for Better Sleep

Whether you're a light sleeper or rest like a rock, the noises around you can impact how well you rest.

As we sleep, our brains can still process the sounds around us. Especially when we're first falling asleep, our brains still process the sounds in our environment.

Distracting noises can make it more difficult for us to fall into a deep sleep state and may draw us out of it.

Research is mixed on how ambient noises — like the air conditioner — may help us sleep. However, many people prefer white noise, like the sound of a fan, as they rest.

Those who live in areas with lots of external noise, like on a busy street, may find that ambient sounds help mask some of those environmental sounds.

Some of our favorite ambient noises for sleep include:

  • Wind blowing, like from a fan, the air conditioner, or outside

  • Water noises, including gentle rivers and ocean waves

  • Rustling leaves and other gentle nature sounds

  • The sounds of a storm, including soft thunder and falling rain

10 Amazon Prime Benefits You Need To Be Using

Amazon Prime offers more than just speedy delivery; it includes unlimited photo storage, free release-date delivery, and early access to lightning deals, among other hidden benefits.

Don't miss these 10 hidden perks that can enhance your membership.

Thank you to Brad's Deals for sponsoring Note To Self.

Tips To Start Waking Earlier — Even if You're Not a Morning Person

Especially if you know you have a long day ahead, sometimes getting up for the day is the last thing you want to do.

Even if you're not a morning person, making some small, mindful changes can help you start waking up early a little easier:

  • Keep consistent bedtime and morning routines: When you keep consistent habits, this helps your mind get in the proper state.

  • Get light early in the morning: This helps sync your body's circadian rhythm and tell your brain it's time to start the day.

  • Keep similar schedules every day: While we naturally may sleep in a little on the weekends, trying to keep a similar schedule each night makes it easier to wake up at an earlier hour than if our schedules constantly change.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed: These can both disrupt sleep, so try to be mindful of how they may impact your body.

  • Adjust gradually: If you generally wake at 8 a.m. and want to start waking up at 6 a.m., it can be difficult to make that shift happen overnight. Instead, start shifting back your schedule 15 or 30 minutes at a time.

This Painting Sold for 8 Million and Everyday Investors Profited

When the painting by master Claude Monet (you may have heard of him) was bought for $6.8 million and sold for a cool $8 million just 631 days later, investors in shares of the offering received their share of the net proceeds.

All thanks to Masterworks, the award-winning platform for investing in blue-chip art. To date, every one of Masterworks’ 16 sales out of its portfolio has returned a profit to investors. With 3 recent sales, investors realized net annualized returns of 17.6%, 21.5% and 35%.

How does it work? Simple, Masterworks files each offering with the SEC so that nearly anyone can invest in highly coveted artworks for just a fraction of the price of the entire piece.

Shares of every offering are limited, but Note To Self readers can skip the waitlist with this exclusive link.

Thank you to Masterworks for sponsoring Note To Self. 
Past performance is not indicative of future returns, investing involves risk. See disclosures masterworks.com/cd.

Parting Thoughts

  • ✅ Did You Know: False! The first three hours are actually when we rest the deepest.

  • 🙋🏼‍♀️ Snapshot Of The Day: We'd love to see moments from our readers lives that they are proud of! If you recently accomplished an achievement, experienced a joyful moment, or are proud of a picture you have taken, be sure to capture it on camera and send it to us for a chance to be featured next week! 

  • 💭 Final Self-Care Thoughts for Today: Rest is crucial for our health and well-being. Ask yourself what you can do to improve your sleep habits!

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