8/12 Monday: One must-know relaxation tip

[08/12/24] [Gazette Gal]*NTS*[music: help us relax; connect w/others; impact our brains]


"I accept myself wholeheartedly."

Welcome to another wonderful week of self-care! In today's newsletter:

Did You Know?

Listening to ___ can improve mental health?

Scroll for the answer!

Using the Power of Music to Get into Different States of Mind

Many of us love to use music as a background while we move through the day. We put on different kinds of tunes to match the activity we're doing or the state of mind we want to enter.

Music does more than serve as a background — it actually is a powerful tool that can help us dive deeper into different states of mind.

  • One study from Stanford found that music actually engages parts of our brain that help us pay attention, predict events, and store the event in our memories—making it great to get into a state of focus.

  • Other research shows that upbeat music can boost alertness and concentration.

  • Slower beats help us get calm and relaxed.

  • Upbeat music can put us in a positive state of mind.

Next time you want to set the mood and get in a specific state of mind, turn on some music to match!

How Music Helps Us Connect With Others

Music is incredible for so many reasons — including that it has the power to help us form and grow connections with others.

For example, one study found that those who sang in groups experienced changes in social closeness!

Another series of studies evaluating musical reactivity linked positive associations in group processes with listening to music!

From a not-so-scientific perspective, think of all the times you or a friend or family member have sent you a song, artist, or album to listen to. And think of how going to concerts or being part of a fanbase makes you feel connected with others!

Whether we're bonding over a shared love of a particular kind of music or making it with others, there is no shortage of the power of music to foster connection!

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Thank you to Gazette Gal for sponsoring Note To Self.

What We're Watching: How Music Impacts Our Brains

It's no secret that music can impact our mood — but why does it do that?

From sad tunes that make us tap into past memories to happy music that makes us want to dance, music can transform how we feel.

It turns out that music actually impacts our brain waves! We've loved taking a deep dive into the neuroscience behind music with a TEDx Talk from neuroscientist and musician Alan Harvey.

We learned so much about the power of music to transform our minds.

A Note From Us

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Parting Thoughts

  • ✅ Did You Know: Music! In a 2021 study done by Sound United LLC, 85% of respondents said that listening to music improves mental health.

  • 🙋🏼‍♀️ Snapshot Of The Day: We'd love to see moments from our readers lives that they are proud of! If you recently accomplished an achievement, experienced a joyful moment, or are proud of a picture you have taken, be sure to capture it on camera and send it to us for a chance to be featured next week! 

  • 💭 Final Self-Care Thoughts for Today: If you're feeling stressed, try putting on a fun or calm playlist and see how it impacts your mood!

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