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8/14 Wednesday: One strange impact of summer heat

[08/14/24] [Brad's Deals]*NTS*[heat + mood; summer anxiety; hangovers + age]


"I take time for the things that bring me joy."

Welcome to the midweek! Here's the scoop for today:

  • How extreme heat can impact our moods

  • If summer weather can cause anxiety

  • Get more from your Amazon memebership

  • Do hangovers get worse as we age?

Did You Know?

Direct sunlight can feel ___ to ___ degrees hotter?

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How Extreme Heat Can Impact Our Moods

Summer and sunshine often put many of us in a good mood — but when the temperatures get a little too hot, it can have the opposite impact.

According to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll, 62% of people said that extreme heat impacted their mood — with a majority saying it made them frustrated or tired. Others said angry, anxious, or even sad.

However, it's not just a perceived shift in mood — research shows that our ability to remain cool, calm, and collected might decrease as temperatures rise and we get physically uncomfortable.

When temperatures skyrocket with extreme heat, our bodies react to this perceived threat and release “fight or flight” chemicals. Your heart rate might increase while your body works overtime to try to regulate itself again, Joshua Klapow, PhD, clinical psychologist and creator of Mental Drive, told SELF.

The best way to combat feeling agitated this summer is to be mindful of the amount of time you spend in the heat.

Avoid being outside during peak heat hours. When you are outside — and even when you're indoors — be sure to take care of your physical health by drinking enough water and replenishing fluids.

Can Summer Weather Cause Anxiety?

Not only can summer days make us feel angrier, but they can also make us feel more anxious for a number of reasons.

Our bodies react to uncomfortably high temperatures with increased heart rates and cortisol levels. This can create a feeling which is similar to what the body experiences during a panic attack. This can increase anxiety in some people.

Furthermore, an increase in daylight hours during the summer can mess with our circadian rhythms, causing us to struggle to sleep and making us feel anxious throughout the day.

To combat heat anxiety, remind yourself that your physical symptoms are due to the heat. Go somewhere you can cool down, and take some deep breaths to help yourself relax.

Also, try to avoid alcohol and caffeine and focus on staying hydrated.

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Thanks to Brad’s Deals for sponsoring Note To Self.

Do Hangovers Really Get Worse as We Age?

You may have heard people complain that they "Can't drink like they used to," indicating that, somehow, their hangovers have gotten much worse over the years.

While many factors are at play for why people don’t drink like they did when they were younger, one reason people may give is that it isn’t as easy for them to bounce back after a night of drinking.

When we reach our late 20s and early 30s, it becomes more difficult for our bodies to metabolize alcohol, meaning that a hangover could last days, rather than a morning. Because we have less water volume as we age, we lack the ability to eliminate alcohol quickly.

This can result in a few days of feeling achy and tired. People with underlying mental health concerns might find that their symptoms are worse in the following days after drinking.

Furthermore, our body shapes and sizes can change throughout life, which can also impact how we tolerate and process alcohol.

Binge drinking at any age can have serious consequences for our physical and emotional well-being, so if you choose to drink, it’s best to always be smart when it comes to alcohol intake and drink responsibly.

Parting Thoughts

  • ✅ Did You Know: 10 to 15 degrees! When it's hot out, stay in the shade to remain cool!

  • 🙋🏼‍♀️ Snapshot Of The Day: We'd love to see moments from our readers lives that they are proud of! If you recently accomplished an achievement, experienced a joyful moment, or are proud of a picture you have taken, be sure to capture it on camera and send it to us for a chance to be featured next week! 

  • 💭 Final Self-Care Thoughts for Today: While it's great to enjoy the outdoors, be mindful of how summer heat can impact your health and mood!

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