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8/9 Friday: Top hacks to cope with unexpected changes

[08/09/2024] [Slumber]*NTS*[financial plan: What it is, how to make one; manage changes in plans]


"I choose to embrace a mindset that works for me."

We hope you've had an amazing week! Today, we're discussing:

Did You Know?

___ % of people with a written financial plan feel financially stable?

Scroll for the answer!

What is a Financial Plan?

A financial plan is an incredible tool that can help us consider where we are and where we want to go as it relates to our income, expenses, and other factors.

Whether you plan your finances for the week, the month, the year, or the next several years, having a financial plan is an amazing way to get empowered about your relationship with money.

A financial plan will generally include:

  • A comprehensive view of your income, expenses, savings, debt, and other related factors

  • Your goals — both short-term and long-term

Some examples of things in a financial plan may be:

  • Create a monthly budget and stick to it

  • Save a 3-6 month emergency fund

  • Pay off credit card debt, student loans, etc.

  • Reach $100K net worth

The great thing about a financial plan is that it doesn't have to be set in stone — you can change the roadmap as your goals, finances, and other factors change!

How To Create a Financial Plan

A financial plan may sound overwhelming — but it's all personal to you, so that makes it easy!

When creating your financial plan:

  • Get informed on your current financial picture: If you don't already, write down a snapshot of your finances. Include your monthly income, bills and living expenses, any debt repayments, savings contributions, etc.

  • Write down your values: What is most important to you, especially when it comes to your finances? Is it having a sense of security? Is it retiring early? Is it feeling free from debt?

  • Create goals — short, medium, and long-term — to align with your values: Even if multiple things are equally important, you can create goals that account for both of those things! For example, if your goal is to retire early, but you also want to tackle debt, you may work toward paying off student loans and/or your mortgage early while being a little more aggressive with retirement.

  • Establish actionable steps to reach your goals: Goals happen when we take steps to achieve them! Identify what you need to travel the road to success.

  • Give yourself grace: Money impacts so many different areas of our lives, so it can be hard not to stress about it. However, it's important to go easy on ourselves. Especially when unexpected expenses come up, it may mean pressing pause on some of our financial goals in the meantime. That's okay! Remember: any progress is good progress.

The magic ingredient that has helped 50,000+ people sleep better than ever

Are you getting enough quality sleep? Good sleep is crucial for maintaining optimal mental and physical health, as it enhances cognitive functions, emotional stability, and overall well-being.

Unlocking deeper, more restorative sleep doesn’t have to be difficult. You’ve heard of CBD, but what about CBN? While CBD helps with mood and stress, CBN has been shown in studies to support natural sleep cycles.

Slumber’s at-home CBN sleep study showed the following for participants:

  • 🏆 87% said it performed better than any other sleep aid

  • 💤 82% said it helped them stay asleep

  • 😴 80% claimed it was easier to fall back asleep

  • 🛌 Improved nightly sleep by 72 mins on average

Safely encourage your natural sleep cycle with CBN with Extra Strength CBN Gummies from Slumber. They’re featured on WebMD as “the best CBD for sleep” and recommended by doctors as the non-groggy solution to deep, restorative sleep.

Thank you to Slumber for sponsoring Note To Self.

How to Cope When Your Plans Don't Go How You Want

It can be frustrating and disheartening when your plans don't go how you imagined. However, we don't have to let that upset rule our lives.

First and foremost, acknowledge your feelings. It's okay to be mad, disappointed, sad, confused, or any combination of feelings! Allowing yourself to feel that rather than rushing to fix things will help you step back and think about the bigger picture.

Then, focusing on what we can — rather than what we can't — control, can help us take things into perspective.

From there, this can help us identify how we want to navigate this shift. Whether it's a shift in what we're doing on one particular day or a larger change that impacts our lives longer-term, thinking about what we have the power to do ourselves can help us feel much better.

Leaning on those you trust is another great way to manage unforeseen detours. They may be able to offer unique perspectives you haven't thought about or simply provide a shoulder to lean on.

A Note From Us

Stop tossing and turning, and start getting better sleep today. Save 40% on Slumber orders over $30 with code NTS40.

Parting Thoughts

  • ✅ Did You Know: 65%! Even if you shift course over time, making a financial plan is a great way to stay aligned with your goals.

  • 🙋🏼‍♀️ Snapshot Of The Day: We'd love to see moments from our readers lives that they are proud of! If you recently accomplished an achievement, experienced a joyful moment, or are proud of a picture you have taken, be sure to capture it on camera and send it to us for a chance to be featured next week! 

  • 💭 Final Self-Care Thoughts for Today: A financial plan is a great way to feel more empowered about your money!

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