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đź’­ Must-know tips to get through a challenging day

Wednesday 9/18 : Sponsored by ARMRA - no bad moment = bad day; turn around bad day; what we're watching


"I treat my body with respect."

Welcome to Wednesday! Today, we're discussing:

Did You Know?

Men cry ___ times per year while women cry ___ times per year?

Scroll for the answer!

How to Stop a Bad Moment from Turning Into a Bad Day

An upsetting, frustrating, embarrassing, anxiety-inducing, or otherwise “negatively” charged moment can impact our moods. It can definitely change the trajectory of our days.

However, we don’t have to let these individual “moments” ruin the course of our day.

Even multiple of these moments over the course of the day don’t need to turn into a “bad day.”

Although that may sometimes be easier said than done.

Luckily, there are some simple ways to halt a bad moment — or multiple ones — from making us wish the day was over.

Thinking of your day in blocks — from 8-10 a.m., 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 12-2:30 p.m., etc. can help you create separation.

This way, if you have a bad moment in one “block,” instead of throwing your hands up and waiting for tomorrow to start over, you can pause and refresh when the next “block” rolls around.

It can also be helpful to acknowledge the situation and how it made you feel. Don’t wallow — but simply allow yourself to sit in that feeling. This can actually help us move on a little more easily.

Take a step back. Ask yourself if this situation is going to matter a day from now, a week from now, or even a year from now. Don’t invalidate how you feel in the moment, but sometimes, this shift in perspective can help us become a little less affected by the scenario.

It can also be helpful to remind yourself that these moments are temporary. It’s not forever, and it’s simply that — a moment.

Even if something upsetting happens in your day, we don’t have to let it define the rest of it!

Ideas to Turn Around a Challenging Day

When you are having a day that’s less than easy, it’s important to practice some self-care and be extra kind to yourself.

This can help turn around those days — or at least make the rest of it a little more smooth sailing.

Here are a few ways we like to turn around a tough day:

  • Take a break: Give yourself some time to breathe, recollect your thoughts, and reset. Go on a walk, take an extra long lunch, and give yourself some time.

  • Get yourself a treat: Sometimes, all you need is a little something to make you smile. Whether it’s a coffee, a trinket, or something else, this can be a great way to put a smile on your face.

  • Lean on those you love: Call a friend or family member, or cuddle with your pet! This is the perfect way to either distract ourselves or get some much-needed support — whatever is needed in that moment.

  • Flip the script where you can: Ask yourself what you have the power to change and lean into that.

Your Self-Care Routine In One Whole Food

Sometimes, the little things in your routine make the biggest difference, just like the moment of calm during your daily commute. What if scooping one whole food did the same for your wellbeing today, and for the long run?

Every scoop of ARMRA Colostrum™ is a powerhouse of self-care that fits seamlessly into your daily routine. An unrivaled powerhouse of nutrition for your body’s best health and performance, ARMRA is a premium colostrum concentrate with 400+ potent bioactive nutrients that ignite cellular regeneration throughout your body. It empowers your body from the inside out for 1,000+ benefits you can actually see and feel. Imagine revitalized skin and hair, fueled anti-aging, enhanced fitness performance, upgraded sleep, combatted bloating, regularity, and more. It’s a simple addition to your routine with a major impact. Sound too good to be true? Discover it for yourself with an exclusive offer for Note To Self readers. Use code NOTETOSELF at checkout to unlock 15% off your first order.

Thank you to ARMRA for sponsoring Note To Self. 

What We’re Watching: 5 Reminders for Tough Days

Sometimes, bad moments do turn into difficult days. And that’s okay. Not every day is going to be perfect.

However, on those days, it can be helpful to have some gentle reminders to get us through.

This week, we’ve appreciated a video that shares 5 helpful insights to think about on those days that are a little more difficult.

From knowing that hard days are inevitable at some point or another to remembering that we can control some things and not others, we found lots of helpful reminders.

A Note From Us

Discover ARMRA for yourself with an exclusive offer for Note To Self readers. Use code NOTETOSELF at checkout to unlock 15% off your first order.

Parting Thoughts

  • âś… Did You Know: Men cry 5 to 17 times per year, while women cry 30 to 64 times per year. Regardless of your gender, it’s good to embrace your emotions and let those tears flow!

  • 🙋🏼‍♀️ Snapshot Of The Day: We'd love to see moments from our readers lives that they are proud of! If you recently accomplished an achievement, experienced a joyful moment, or are proud of a picture you have taken, be sure to capture it on camera and send it to us for a chance to be featured next week! 

  • đź’­ Final Self-Care Thoughts for Today: Even if your day starts out tough, remember that you can always turn things around or do small things to make it a little easier for yourself.

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