Wednesday, 11/27/24: Sponsored by NativePath - Apologies and healthy communication, the five apology languages, skills for building relationships
Tuesday, 11/26/24: Sponsored by Speks - screen break, phones change us, healthy technology habits
Monday, 11/25: Sponsored by BetterSleep - folic acid, hair. moisturized, wash hair more frequently
Friday, 11/22/24: Sponsored by Legal Offers, LLC. and Ad - intermittent sobriety, break from alcohol, alcohol-free activities
Thursday, 11/21/24: Sponsored by Brad's Deals - Saving money when hosting a holiday, halting financial freak-outs, getting comfortable talking about money
Wednesday, 11/20/24: Sponsored by Honeycomb - Kinds of rest, drinks before bed, signs oversleeping
Tuesday, 11/19/24 Sponsored by BiOptimizers - Incorporating fruits and vegetables, Fall gardening, budget-friendly produce
Monday, 11/18/24: Sponsored by Brad's Deals -oral health, brush teeth shower, improve dental health
Friday, 11/15/24: Sponsored by Tovala - aggressive communication, improving interpersonal communication, minimizing miscommunication
Thursday, 11/14/24: Sponsored by Brad's Deals - body lotion; facial puffiness; makeup wipes
Wednesday, 11/13/24: Sponsored by Gift Guide - Laughter: benefits, holiday rituals, bring into life
Tuesday, 11/12/24: Sponsored by Lumen - benefits routine, break routine, weekly schedule tips