Note To Self
A daily dose of self-care delivered straight to your inbox.
1/16: Sponsored by CBDistillery and Plan To Eat, self-care for anxiety, meditating with anxiety, the power of "awe"
1/15: Sponsored by: Foxley Coaching - self care in workplace, difficult coworkers, unwind after work
1/13: Sponsored by Babbel and Huel : What is mindfulness, how to be mindful at work, mindful tips
Friday: 1/10/2024 - Sponsored by Natural Cycles - Why we may have mood swings, choosing best birth control for your body, luxurious bath
Wednesday, 1/08/2025 Sponsored by Beam - benefits snuggling with pet; simplify pet care; pet yoga
1/6/25 Sponsored by: 1440, how to be kinder to ourselves, financial hangovers, making sustainable choices
01/02/25 Sponsored by Plan to Eat , post-holiday blues, winter fatigue
01/01/25: Wednesday: Sponsored by BetterHelp - "fresh start" effect; no big resolutions; new mindsets for new year
12/31/2024: Tuesday Sponsored by Honeycomb - rage-cleaning, mini self-care goals, self-efficacy
12/30/2024: Monday -Sponsored by Honeycomb - set professional boundaries, be on time, "Ivy Lee Method" productivity
12/27/2024: Friday Sponsored by Tovola - "soft living"; ballet benefits; anxiety impact work
Thursday: 12/26/2024 - Sponsored by Plan To Eat - humidifier, weighted blankets for sleep; weekly crying session